Ben Stark

My Favorite Quote

“It is the set of the sail—not the direction of the wind—that determines which way we will go.” – Jim Rohn

Strategic Consulting: Business plans, Training & Sales Strategy, Advising for New Business Structures, Home Services Profit Strategies, Building Clear ROIs (Return on Investment), Drafting Policies, Formation of Corporations, Structuring Commercial Transactions, and Collaborative Leadership.


Ben Stark

An Accidental Path to Extraordinary Success

Ben Stark has built several successful businesses over the course of his career. In addition to his practical knowledge of electrical and plumbing systems, he became adept at creating easy-to-follow blueprints for business success while also vigilantly acting as an operational and financial steward to improve the bottom line and realize organizational objectives.

Ben’s entry into the HVAC world was largely accidental – early in his career he worked in the maintenance industry. Deciding that he needed to pursue a career that would offer him a better living, he invested in a 6-week course in HVAC training. He went on to complete a community college degree at night while working in the field during the day. After 5 years, he was ready to venture out on his own. His greatest success came when he invested in learning how to become a successful business owner, not just a contractor.

A Commitment to Helping Others Achieve Goals

The HVAC industry affords me the opportunity to exceed my personal goals and I am committed to help others achieve similar success. Through the development of Best Practices classroom training, One-On-One consultation, and Interactive on-line training, I provide clients with the formula for achieving and surpassing their goals.

Specialty: Visionary/Growth/Bottom Line

Secondary Specialty: Acquisitions/Middle Management

Phone Hourly: 1 Hour Problem Solving Call

Phone Package: 6-One Hour Weekly Calls

Assessment/Valuation: Business assessment, valuation or brand story creation process

Daily On-Site: On Site Travel, Lodging & Meals Expenses are Additional Direct Cost

Weekly On Site: On Site Travel, Lodging & Meals Expenses are Additional Direct Cost

Daily Hosted Visit: Client visits consultants shop. Travel, lodging and meals not included

Weekly Hosted Visit: Client visits consultants shop. Travel, lodging and meals not included