Dave Rothacker

Consultant Fees

Specialty: Facilitation of Leadership Mastermind Groups

Secondary Specialty: Uncovering a Leader’s WHY / Purpose

Phone Hourly: 1 Hour Problem Solving Call

Phone Package: 6-One Hour Weekly Calls

Dave Rothacker

Dave Rothacker started working for a large HVAC mechanical contractor in Northeastern Ohio in the mid 1980’s as a truck driver, following a 10-year career in the grocery industry. After one year he moved inside to service operations and the next year began a two and half decade tour in management that journeyed through six different companies. With an educational background in business and accounting, Dave was analytical by nature. That changed in the mid 90’s as the commercial internet started up. With the help of Dan Holohan, a talented author and industry legend, Dave started writing and quickly discovered his creative side.

Along with two other gentlemen, he launched AREA51HVAC.COM, an online community for HVAC and Plumbing professionals. It became the perfect playground for his pen and business metaphors. At the same time Dave belonged to leadership and management communities outside of the skilled trades, where he wrote and continued to learn. Upon inception of the Service Roundtable, CEO Matt Michel graciously invited Dave into the community. Over the years he has written exclusive business book reviews and articles. Today he is author of the Saturday Rabbit Hole, a contributor to Comanche Marketing and a Service Nation Alliance mentor.

Dave is husband to Rosemary, a romance fiction author and forensic expert in the mortgage industry, father of adult children Victoria and Carla, and grandfather to Cecilia, Rocco and Giovanni. Dave is passionate about leadership, design, design thinking, marketing, branding, psychology, neuroscience, the concept of business WHY, creativity and 21st century educators. A voracious non-fiction reader hardwired with a growth mindset, Dave distills concepts from these disciplines and presents them to business owners and managers for thought, growth and action.