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Understand the dynamic properties of airflow and design a proper duct system when you learn to simplify your assessment.

You will be amazed at how you increase your sales and  customer satisfaction when you IMPROVE your design!

Perfect For:

  • HVAC Sales Pros who want to meet or exceed their goals
  • Managers who want to help their own sales team meet expectations

Airflow is one of the most overlooked aspects of Residential HVAC that leads to poor system performance and, more importantly, missed sales opportunities. This Airflow and Duct Design Workshop reviews how to properly design a duct system by removing the mystery and simplifying how you assess and design a proper system.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Airsflow Design – Understanding the dynamic properties of airflow, basic duct systemsizing and flow, troubleshooting and more.
  • Proper design for return and supply ducting systems.
  • Proper design for humidity, energy costs, indoor air quality and noise levels.

Imagine increasing your installation sales by $2,000 per ticket when you know how to address and how to design proper airflow!

Charles Morales

Chuck infuses knowledge and a superior eagerness into every student.

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