Saturday Rabbit Hole Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter Sent Out Every Saturday

Welcome to the imaginative and thought-provoking world of Dave Rothacker! Join him in a trek down the Saturday Rabbit Hole every week. Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Dave plays on your desire to be curiouser and curiouser and to engage, energize, and deploy your growth mindset. Subscribe today!

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About Dave

Dave Rothacker was a trailblazer, architect, and proponent of early online trade industry communities/idea exchanges. He honed his writing skills on platforms like Dan Holohan’s The Wall and his AREA51HVAC websites.

Dave started writing the weekly Saturday Rabbit Hole in 2009 privately for the Service Roundtable. His hunting ground and inspiration for material are mainstream business and science. He explores domains outside the trades like Leadership, Purpose, Marketing, Branding, Psychology, Sociology, Neuroscience, Design, and Creativity, bringing back lessons, ideas, possibilities, and thought provocation.

Working in management for HVAC contractors during a 25-year stretch of his 40-year career, Dave’s favorite time to work was early Saturday mornings. These were times when the world slowed down, ideas and thoughts surfaced, and imagination flourished. It was also an opportunity to flat-out get stuff done.

Dave is a Leadership Explorer and Guide for the Go Time Success Group, an Independent Executive Director on the John Maxwell Team, and co-author of It’s Go-Time.

Dave Rothacker
Dave Rothacker